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This is Nad. He’s spent his life in the sink.
Like all of us, Nad is just trying to navigate his existence as a sponge with abandonment issues… Life is hard enough with a scourer for a head, but at the moment he’s just feeling drained. Join him for this spoken word piece and connect with this soppy sponge.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
About the creator
Daniel Dore is a Puppeteer, Magician and Actor and produces work mainly centered around the ‘taboo’ that is mental health. It’s one thing to see a problem, but it’s another thing to understand it. And that’s what we hope our little porous pal can help us with.
Each spoken word deals with something different. Whether it be depression, impostor syndrome or just feeling a bit down. He’s not a therapist. He’s a recovering alcoholic with a lot to work out. So let’s do that together.